Archive for December, 2007

Feed-O-Matic 2.3.1

Saturday, December 1st, 2007
  • Added new foods introduced in WoW Patch 2.3.
  • Fixed an issue with setting key bindings that include modifier keys.
  • Added “Unbind Key” buttons to the Options window for removing FOM’s key bindings.
  • The diet argument to the /fom remove command is now optional; if omitted, the specified food will be removed from any and all diets it’s listed in. (e.g. /fom remove [Delicious Chocolate Cake] is now the same as /fom remove bread [Delicious Chocolate Cake].)

Hunter’s Helper 2.3.1

Saturday, December 1st, 2007
  • Fixed an issue (introduced in version 2.3) where an /hh find search returning results in more than three zones would fail to print the results.
  • Rebuilt pet skills database from as of 2007/12/01.

Levelator 2.3.1

Saturday, December 1st, 2007
  • Fixed an error which could occur when talking to questgivers since WoW Patch 2.3.
  • Since we show quests’ actual levels in questgivers’ dialog window, we omit the “low level” text added by the Blizzard UI in Patch 2.3 for quests whose level is far below your own. Instead, such quests are listed in a slightly faded color to stand out from the others.
  • Note: ‘Blocked action’ errors due to Levelator tainting GetQuestLogTitle should be resolved in the upcoming WoW Patch 2.3.2.