Archive for January, 2011

Feed-O-Matic 4.0.4

Friday, January 7th, 2011
  • Includes an update to the PeriodicTable library fixing an issue where recently added foods were’t actually showing up.
  • Some of the options in Feed-O-Matic’s options panel now provide detailed explanations in tooltips.
  • Improvements to the list in Food Preferences (under Feed-O-Matic’s options panel):
    • The color of a food’s name now reflects its quality (how quickly it restores your pet’s happiness).
    • Foods of the same quality are sorted by name.
    • When no pet is currently summoned, food quality is calculated assuming a pet of three levels below yours (previously we assumed five; this matches a change from patch 4.0 in which pets are always kept within three levels of their masters).

Feed-O-Matic 4.0.3

Saturday, January 1st, 2011

Includes an update to the PeriodicTable library with more foods (Murglesnout, Pygmy Suckerfish, Shimmering Minnow).