Linkerator 10900.1

Initial release. (See Linkerator main page for details.)

10 Responses to “Linkerator 10900.1”

  1. Carighan Says:

    I found the obvious mistake you as a goblin did: you didn’t think of efficiency. See, as a gnome, I of course know about the problems of keeping a full link-database. And as such, I’d advise you to make the Linkerator capable of interfacing with KC_Items, as it’s the most efficient link-saver so far.

    Apart from that, very fine work… for a goblin engineer, that is.

    (^_^) (awesome idea, but could you look into that – I’d hate having two full databases run on my account, and KC_Items does more than just the links 😉 )

  2. Lacindas Says:

    this is great for linking stuff in gchat and the like couple requests 1. remove the capitalization requirement 😉 2. see if it could querie lootlink or similar mod to link item from

    other than that, neat mod

  3. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    Actually, I created Linkerator because my investors were unhappy with the likes of LootLink, ItemsMatrix, KC_Items, and so forth — they never really used the features of such gadgets that allow one to search for items based on various properties (level requirement, equip location, armor value, etc.). So, as efficient as those tools try to be, they’re still storing a large amount of data which, as far as my investors are concerned, is just wasted space. Since they’re not using other link-database gadgets, Linkerator on its own is the most efficient solution for them… and bringing its link-typing functionality to other link-database addons is pretty low on my priority list.

    And really, the most effective way to bring what’s unique about Linkerator to other link-database gadgets is for it to become part of them. Kaelten and Telo are pretty good engineers (for non-goblins, anyway)… I’m sure they’d have fun adding link-typing to their products. (They’re quite welcome to look inside Linkerator for inspiration, too!)

    Linkerator is case-insensitive both for /link name queries and for typing bracketed names in chat. At least, it’s supposed to be, and it’s working that way for me. If you’ve found an item for which this isn’t the case (er, no pun intended), which is it?

  4. Moonwhisper Says:

    Woo hoo! Another useful addon from Gazmik Fizzwidget! I can’t wait to see how this one evolves. 😀 I was wondering, have you ever considered adding ModWatcher ( support to your addons?

  5. Gundar Says:

    This is a very nice tool! Is there an option to import saved items from LootLink and its kin? If not, is it possible to copy/paste the information from the saved variables file?

  6. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    A LootLink importer is coming for my next release — while supporting several formats of item databases for live access isn’t something I plan on doing, supporting a one-time import for people switching isn’t much trouble.

    Most of my mods support the WoWGuru updater (and other compatible clients), as it’s based on open formats and standards (and most importantly, isn’t tied to just their own database). I’ve little interest in supporting every mod updater under the sun.

  7. Yehuda Says:

    I really like Linkerator, but I’ve noticed an issue when I try to shift-click quests from my log into the chat line. Since Linkerator interprets [number] as an item ID, it replaces the level prefix with an item link. e.g. [51] Endless Quest becomes [Neophyte’s Boots] Endless Quest. Perhaps require a # symbol for item ID lookups, e.g. [#51] ?

  8. Moonwhisper Says:

    Gazmik, could you please give me the URL of where I can download the WoWGuru updater? I can’t seem to find it on If you have links to any of these “other compatible clients,” those would be great, too. 🙂 I’d just like an easier way to update my mods (especially yours :-D). I didn’t know there were other updaters besides ModWatcher.

  9. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

  10. Engwaalcar Says:

    I was wondering if there are any plans to put the database of stored links into a window much like LootLink? Are there any search capabilities or plans to implement (i.e. by level)? I like the ability to type in the name of the item instead of looking it up and shift+clicking it into chat, but Linkerator lacks some aspects of LootLink that I like. But if Linkerator keeps a smaller database then LootLink, then I’d much rather run Linkerator. Awesome work!

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