Gemologist 1800.1

Initial release. (Locale-independent and localizable, too! Translators are welcome to edit localization.lua and send me their canges fur inclusion in future releases.) See Gemologist main page for details.

4 Responses to “Gemologist 1800.1”

  1. Djinn Says:

    Yet another useful gadget – thank you.

    Here is my french translation:

    if ( GetLocale() == “frFR” ) then

    FGO_FOUND_IN_HEADER = “Extrait des veines de:”; FGO_FOUND_ONLY_IN_FORMAT = “Extrait uniquement des veines de %s “; FGO_LINK_FOUND_IN_HEADER_FORMAT = “%s est extrait des veines de:”; FGO_LINK_FOUND_ONLY_IN_FORMAT = “%s est extrait uniquement des veines de %s “;

    FGO_COPPER = “Cuivre”; FGO_TIN = “Etain”; FGO_SILVER = “Argent”; FGO_GOLD = “Or”; FGO_IRON = “Fer”; FGO_TRUESILVER = “Vrai-argent”; FGO_MITHRIL = “Mithril”; FGO_DARKIRON = “Dark Iron”; FGO_ZG_THORIUM = “Thorium Hakkari”; FGO_THORIUM = “Thorium”; FGO_RICH_THORIUM = “Thorium Riche”;


  2. Tyde Wondermaker Says:

    Can i be made so it also show up what kind of stone you can mine from the diposit ??

    As a enginer and hunter with a gun I need the stones to make powder and from time to time a smith aske me for some. Not always I can rember this things.

  3. Vindicator Says:

    The tooltip info is only showing when I mouse over gems listed in the AH. It doesn’t show when I mouse over gems in the bank or in my bags. Is anyone else seeing this same behavior?

    Thx, love the mod otherwise, and I agree that including stone type locations would be very useful, as well.

  4. Roath Says:

    I havent experienced any problems at all with this very nice mod (it has really helped me save time 😀 ).

    As Tyde Windermaker said: “Can i be made so it also show up what kind of stone you can mine from the diposit”

    I would also like to know that, since i make weapons for lower levels in my guild and often dont have the stones i need for the plan, so having it show what ore deposit the stone can be mined from (or when hovering over a deposit, what stone it can give) would be a VERY welcome addition in my opinion.

    But then again, the name wouldn’t fit 😛 you could call it Geologist, but that name is already used by another mod, and since you have a nice way of making names for you mods, this desicion is better left in your hands 😛

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