Feed-O-Matic 1700.6

  • Forgot to include the GFWTooltip.lua file in today’s earlier 1700.5 release which made use of it. Fixed.

10 Responses to “Feed-O-Matic 1700.6”

  1. True Freak Says:

    I’m having an error with any of your new addons that use your new tooltip code. I have tracked it down to an incompatibility with AllInOneInventory. It’s causeing a error whenever I mouse over an item in my inventory. The error is a nil value for frame on line 182 of GFWTooltip.lua.

  2. Ket Says:

    Feed-O-Matic is causing problems in EnhTooltips. I have no earthly clue why this is.

    For Auctioneer and some other plug in’s we need to use the “Release” 1.06 version of EnhTooltips you must be doing some custom calling into that.

    Disabling your add in solves the problem. The error only occurs when looting from the loot window if that helps you any, and it is a specific error in EnhTooltips (again release 1.06 NOT the one that you have in your other add ons). Error occurs on all looting actions including skinning.

    I would assume it has something to do with the new GFWTooltips.lua file.

    To reporduce if you want to

    Go loot.

    Is 1700.4 anywhere?

  3. Ket Says:

    Test Confirmed 1700.4 does not cause this issue.

    I would sugest rolling back to 1700.4 codebase as Enhtooltips modification issues would effect a great many of the “loot linkish” add ons. If you are modifying a custom Enhtooltips or duplicating functionality this could be causing a double trap.

    Of course I don’t know the code base that well and am mearly offering sugestions..

  4. Brad Says:

    The fix is in GFWTooltip.lua:

    287,288c287,288 < function GFWTooltipGameTooltipSetLootItem(slot)

    < GFWTooltipOriginalGameTooltipSetLootItem(slot);

    function GFWTooltipGameTooltipSetLootItem(this, slot) GFWTooltipOriginalGameTooltipSetLootItem(this, slot);

    Note that if you also have GFW_AdSpace installed you have to change the same file in that directory as well.

  5. Brad Says:

    My last comment sure came out weird. In case you can’t figure it out, modify lines 287 and 288 in GFWTooltip.lua changing the parameters from (slot) to (this, slot). This fixes the error I’m seeing with Enhtooltip.

    I’m guessing the first error with AllInOneInventory and one as yet unreported in MyInventory can be fixed by fixing lines 479 and 495 in GFWTooltip.lua. The variable frame is undefined in both functions. I don’t use either one of those addons.

  6. Ket Says:

    Nice quick work Brad… 🙂

  7. Devla Says:


    I just got the following error when looting a “Bright Eyeball”

    Error:Interface\AddOns\GFW_FeedOMatic\GFWTooltip.lua:288: Invalid loot slot in SetInventoryItem

    I saw others posting issues with Auctioneer/EnhTooltip, but I use KC_Items

  8. Acesolon Says:

    Could you change the FoodOMaticFood.lua to use item id’s instead of names? If modified a version which works with ids, so its much easier to localize. You would only need to translate the foodnames and bagtypes (quiver/ammo).

    AutoBar (ive got the idea off that addon) has a good list of ids for food (not categorized).

    I really love your addon but as german player i always need to modify the code to work. What you think about this change?

    Thanks in advance, Acesolon

  9. Moklar Says:


    Brad thanks for the fix it has been bugging me for days.

    Another thing that doesn’t really matter, but the line 144 needs to be commented out to avoid an error on startup.

    And Devla, you can use the same fix as Brad described.

    And thanks to Fizz for making these great mods, I’m happy that it all works again 🙂

  10. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    1700.7 is up, which should fix these errors.

    Yes, I intend to switch this and Disenchant Predictor over to using item IDs for locale-independence soon, though Feed-O-Matic will require a lot more localized text just for functional compatibility (we have to parse several system messages, combat log messages, tooltip spell descriptions, and other things to do everything Feed-O-Matic does).

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