Feed-O-Matic 10900.5

  • Fixed an error that prevented adding, removing, or feeding specific foods via /fom commands.
  • Fixed issue where a food not already known by Feed-O-Matic couldn’t be properly removed from its listings.
  • We no longer attempt to auto-feed if the loot window is open (as in some cases this can cause you to lose what loot is in it).
  • Removed some code that caused us to avoid feeding the pet for several minutes if auto-feeding didn’t produce a result; it was a workaround for WoW issue that’s now fixed (feeding while swimming not doing anything to pet happiness). Common, recoverable cases of auto-feed failure should now result in another auto-feed happening soon after.
  • Should now be more reliable about not auto-feeding while you or your pet is flagged as “in combat”.
  • Includes an update to tooltip-related code shared with other Fizzwidget addons, which should resolve an issue where having two or more addons with conflicting versions of said code could cause a “stack overflow” error.

4 Responses to “Feed-O-Matic 10900.5”

  1. Devla Says:

    Hey Gazmik, check this out: https://opensvn.csie.org/Ace/trunk/PeriodicTable/

    Tekkub added a plugin for FeedOmatic to use the PeriodicTable data for foods.

  2. NK Says:

    This isn’t exactly a bug, persay, but the tooltip does not properly update for fruit. My tallstrider is level 26, and the tooltip still says in orange “Waffle loves to eat this” (32 happiness per tick, I imagine) for shiny red apples when it should be green (only 8 happiness per tick). It also still says that for Tel’Abim Bananas when they should be yellow at my tallstrider’s level (17 happiness per tick). It does not update quite properly for fungus either – Forest Mushroom Caps should be green when the tooltip shows yellow. I have not yet tested cheese fully. I guess this is partially what I get for sticking with a pet with such a finicky diet. D:

    Aside from that, your addon is a life saver. It makes playing a hunter and caring for my pet so much easier. Thank you for going through the trouble to code it!

  3. Wykd on Moonrunner Says:

    I’d really like to figure out what foods are best for my pet… I know Quail is the highest meat, but whereas using quail feeds a scorpid up in loyalty fast, it’s not as good for wolves and bears….

    if anyone knows an answer to this, please email me @ blackwolffe@hotmail.com subject WoW Pet Food…?

    Thanks, Wykd

  4. HanJand Says:

    I have a problem with Gemologist, AdSpace and Feed-O-Matic and Auctioneer, when I have any of the 3 AddOn’s loaded, I have problem with seeing Auctioneer info on a item. Example is I can’t see the vendor sellings price, when i mouse over an item in the quest log. I don’t have the same problems with Hunter’s Helper or ReagentCost.

    I use auctioneerpack-, but I also have the problem with older versions.

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