FactionFriend 3.0

  • Updated for compatibility with WoW Patch 3.0 and Wrath of the Lich King.
  • Redesigned the menu that appears upon right-clicking the reputation watch bar to handle the new three-level faction hierarchy in WoW 3.0:
    • Replaced faction status text with Armory-style icons.
    • By default, all factions are in submenus, grouped according to the new top-level headers in WoW 3.0 (Classic, Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Other).
    • Since digging into submenus all the time isn’t so great, the 10 factions you’ve most recently watched or gained/lost reputation with are shown in the top level of the menu.
    • As before, you can hide factions from the menu by moving them to the Inactive group in the Reputation pane. If 35 or fewer factions remain active, the menu will switch to a simpler layout without submenus.
  • Added Burning Crusade factions & dungeons for the zone-based automatic reputation bar switch feature:
    • The outdoor Isle of Quel’Danas shows the Shattered Sun Offensive on the reputation bar.
    • All 5-man dungeons show the faction whose reputation is earned therein.
    • Karazhan and Hyjal Summit raids show their respective factions as well.
  • Updated Thorium Brotherhood turnin values to reflect changes in recent WoW patches.
  • Fixed a discrepancy with Sporeggar item turnin quantities.
  • Fixed an issue where collapsing headers in the reputation pane would interfere with our ability to auto-switch the reputation watch bar or display factions in the menu.
  • Updated French localization by Kehrsyn of Culte de la Rive Noire (EU).
  • Added basic locale support for Russian and Spanish based on Wowhead’s multilingual database. (That is, enough translations for all features to work the same as in English, but no localized UI text.)

One Response to “FactionFriend 3.0”

  1. OwlBoy Says:

    Thanks! This is one addon I have always had to have for years. You rock!

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