Disenchant Predictor 3.0

  • Updated for compatibility with WoW Patch 3.0 and Wrath of the Lich King.
  • Tooltips for reagents now use an inline graphic to indicate which expansion’s items they disenchant from.
  • Includes preliminary data to support predicting disenchants for Wrath items:
    • We don’t yet have enough data to predict all Wrath disenchants. Disenchant Predictor will show details in the chat window if you disenchant something that doesn’t match its expectations — send them in so future releases can be more accurate!
    • In Wrath content, there’s no longer a correlation between items’ required level seen in-game and the internal item level that determines disenchant results. So, tooltips for Lesser/Greater Cosmic Essence and Small/Large Dream Shards can only say “disenchants from lower/higher level Wrath items”.
  • Removed the Auto Loot option, as the one built into WoW works for Disenchanting now.
  • Now uses the Interface Options panel for configuration.

10 Responses to “Disenchant Predictor 3.0”

  1. Twisted Says:

    I had to uninstall this tonight as I was booted every time I logged in. I finally traced the problem back to this addon and everything works fine now.

  2. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    The 3.0 update is likely not to work on the current (2.4.3) live realms — it’s intended for use with WoW Patch 3.0, and is published early so people can get a jump on the big patch day tomorrow.

    I’d recommend reverting to DP 2.4 or disabling it for the rest of today.

  3. Neil Says:

    wowmatrix automatically installed the new version.

    It took me over an hour to find which addon was crashing my system.

    I think it would have been better to wait before providing the new version or to make sure that it didn’t crash the program for the current patch.

  4. Dave Says:

    It’s actually still causing disconnects even in 3.0.2.

  5. Sykus Says:

    I can also verify that this causes disconnects in 3.0.2.

  6. Miluk Says:

    To be precise, the addon causes a dc from WoW when you mouseover items in bags, lootwindows and the likes. Hope this helps for fixing it, cause I like this addon a lot.

  7. Litvan Says:

    yup…. I had to disable it aswell since I got booted from the game everytime I even hovered my mouse over an item when this was enabled… and I’m talkin 3.0.2 servers

  8. Runstadrey Says:

    I was getting booted and given the high reputation of the Fizzwidget products it took a VERY long time before I looked to those tools. But, disabling it cured the problem.

    I hope Gazmik is working on a fix.

  9. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    Oops… Disenchant Predictor 3.0.1 fixes this problem and has been available for a few days now, but I forgot to put it on the real site after taking down the temporary low-bandwidth page. It’s here now.

  10. Mynx Says:

    is it possible to bring back the auto loot option? the bliz option effects everything, would like to have only DE, Prospecting, ect set to auto loot.

    example you can shift click to auto loot a corpse or when gathering. but things they require a spell ‘disenchanting, prospecting, ect’ can not be shift clicked but they also can not be looted by anyone else so an always on auto loot function would be very nice to have

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