FactionFriend 2.2

  • Updated TOC to indicate compatibility with WoW Patch 2.2.
  • Updated info for Argent Dawn, Cenarion Circle, and Timbermaw Hold item turnins to reflect increases to their reputation gain in WoW Patch 2.2.
  • When you have enough Scourgestones or ZG coins/bijous to turn in, we now also count the reputation gain from using the resulting [Argent Dawn Valor Token]s or [Zandalar Honor Token]s towards the total potential gain shown in the reputation bar.
  • When the reputation tooltip shows several available turnins, they’re now sorted into sensible categories.
  • Fixed some bugs with calculating reputation gain for quests involving multiple items (e.g. The Thorium Brotherhood’s Fiery Flux quests, Argent Dawn cauldrons).

7 Responses to “FactionFriend 2.2”

  1. Demonica Says:

    How do you fix it so when you use a cool ui mod like Bartender3 the repbar doesn’t fly back to the default blizzard position?

  2. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    This issue happens regardless of whether FactionFriend is installed — it’s Bartender3’s problem (or maybe Blizzard’s, depending on how you look at it).

    The problem is that Blizzard’s code resets the ReputationWatchBar to its default position every time it updates (because they check at that time whether the bar should be stacked on top of the XP bar or replace the XP bar). In order for a third-party addon to keep the bar in a non-default position, it has to hook Blizzard’s update function and reposition the bar every time it updates. This is what Bartender3 normally does.

    But since the ReputationWatchBar is a “secure” protected frame, third-party addons aren’t allowed to move it during combat. So, if you gain reputation during combat (e.g., from killing a mob, since reputation for the kill is usually granted before “in-combat” status goes away), Blizzard’s code moves the bar back to default position, and Bartender tries to move it to your preferred position but can’t.

  3. Maroswen Says:

    I was wondering if you would ever hook your addon to something like fuxpfu. That would get rid of the moving rep bar problem 🙂

  4. Snoozer Says:

    When you combine this addon with Urbins new Factionizer you practically have all the needed information about how to reach a new standing level with a Faction.

    I know that Urbin didn’t include the ToolTip info in Factionizer because of FactionFriend, this way they can be used in combination and give people a better choice for how to mod their UI.

    I suggest you test future modifications with Factionizer installed, to ensure compatibility (I know Urbin does).

    You can find Factionizer under http://www.curse.com/downloads/details/9106/ or alternatively from http://www.ursbeeli.ch/m_addons.shtml

    The previous answer, did explain my question for the Titan bar-mod 😀

  5. Vexi Says:

    Hi. I just found FactionFriend and I love how it puts the marker on your bar letting you know how much rep you’ll get from turn-in items.

    as an above-poster said, bartender’s rep bar doesn’t play too well with it, so i tried opening up DUF (discord unit frames) and matching the FactionFriend code to use DUF_PlayerFrame_HonorBar instead of ReputationWatchBar

    this… sort of works, except the estimated-rep-gain “slightly transparent color” i guess part of it.. kind of goes far beyond the size of my repbar. The little Ticker mark isn’t showing up either.

    is there some easy way to fix this from happening?

    image link : http://img395.imageshack.us/img395/2264/borkedbaron5.gif

  6. Vexi Says:

    i fixed it 😉 had to make some changes in .lua for ReputationWatchStatusBar

  7. Zara Says:

    Here are some de-localizations for you …

    GFW_AdSpace (de-localizations) GFW_DisenchantPredictor (de-localizations) GFW_FactionFriend (de-localizations) GFW_Gemologist (de-localizations) GFW_HuntersHelper (de-localizations, fixes, BC-Mob adds)

    i’ve send you an email, but i think they’re blocked by spamfilter g

    You can download the de-localizations here:


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