Disenchant Predictor 2.2

Updated TOC to indicate compatibility with WoW Patch 2.2.

6 Responses to “Disenchant Predictor 2.2”

  1. menace97 Says:

    The very useful “autoloot” feature doesn’t seem to be working with WoW 2.2. It seems to back to only auto-looting the first disenchanted object, then manually looting all disenchanted items.

  2. Lilyfrin Says:

    Greetings — not sure if you keep up with the comments, but has anyone reported the Disenchant Predictor not doing the “auto-loot” function it used to do? Since I put the version for 2.2 on, it hasn’t auto-looted my disenchanty

    The new 2.2 compatible Linkerator has been behaving badly, too, when typing links.

    And a side note: Is it possible to add an “auto-loot” to the Gemologist mod?

    Thanks, Fizzwidget, for all your great mods and hard work.

  3. Trisdor Says:

    I seem to be having an issue where the autoloot will only work on the first DE that I do. I’ve used the command to turn autoloot on and it says that it is, however it just isn’t working. I’m still trying to see if there is a conflict somewhere else.

  4. Immolate Says:

    Disenchant Predictor seems to be showing lv61-70 dusts, shards and essences as level 51-60. O.o

    Great mod thought – keep up the good work 🙂

  5. etmistic Says:

    Disenchant Predictor no longer AutoLoots disenchanted items from the loot window, it worked fine before patch 2.2 but no longer works. It was the only reason i used the mod 🙂 and i kinda miss it.

  6. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    Thanks for the reports!

    Fair warning: I’ll look into the auto-loot issue, but there’s a possibility that Blizzard intends to prevent automation of that action… in which case there’s nothing I’d be able do about it.

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