Enchant Seller 1600.3

  • Calculated (well, more “estimated”, really) materials cost now uses Fizzwidget ReagentCost, which you should be able to find at the same site where you found this. (ReagentCost still depends on Auctioneer and ReagentData, but this mod no longer depends on those directly.) This dependency and features related to it are still optional.
  • The advertising features are now usable without ReagentCost installed — if it’s not there to provide baseline pricing, we’ll fall back on your history of enchant-for-cash trades. (And for enchants you’ve never sold, we’ll report them with no price.) Beware: if most of your enchants don’t have prices, the minprice filter won’t work as well, making your advertisement much longer. (A future release should improve on this.)
  • The /enchantseller whisper <name> command now works correctly.
  • Fixed a bug calculating median prices for an odd-sized set.

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