Hunter’s Helper 11000.1

  • Added listings for new beast ability introduced in the WoW 1.10 patch: Charge (Rank 6), found on Plagued Swine in the Eastern Plaguelands.
  • Updated TOC to reflect compatibility with WoW patch 1.10. (No actual changes were needed.)
  • Minor improvements to utility code shared across Fizzwidget addons.

4 Responses to “Hunter’s Helper 11000.1”

  1. Logger Says:

    Hey Fizz, awesome addons for hunters. FOM is awesome. My issue is with Hunter’s Helper. I run Cosmos which includes MobInfo2 which creates it’s own tooltip. Is there any way to incorporate Hunter’s Helper with functionality to embed in that tooltip, rather than the default? or is there another method of notification Hunter’s Helper could use? Sorry I’m so addon dependent 🙂 but would love to get the full use out of this invaluable mod.

  2. Logger Says:

    Please disregard my last post, I am a moron. After delving deeper into the MobInfo2 options, I found an option to disable MobInfo2’s over-riding tooltip and only show that info while holding ALT. I am now able to see the default unit frames and the Hunter’s Helper info. Sorry for the headaches, and hopefully this info can help others.

  3. Clattuc Says:

    One thing I notice about HH is that the global variable STAMINA collides with a global variable of the same name in the Warcry Scout “Collector” addon. They use it as a numeric stat index, you use it as a spell name key.

    This is the kind of common name that tends to cause these collisions. Would it be possible to change your name to something more HH specific? I wish Warcry would do the same but for some reason you strike me as more potentially responsive.

  4. Kevin Says:

    A feature I would like to see is being able to search by family. Sometimes I can’t remember what each type of pet can learn.

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