Feed-O-Matic 6.0

  • Updated for WoW Patch 6.0.
    • Does not yet include Warlords of Draenor food information. This will be added in a forthcoming release.

4 Responses to “Feed-O-Matic 6.0”

  1. Kharsis Says:

    Lover this mod and having been using it for a long time.

    Any idea when it will be updated for WoD foods?

  2. Lolman Says:

    Well i hobe it will go on withs this addon. I men it is one of the best addons. Cu in game

  3. Kharsis Says:

    Love this mod and having been using it for a long time.

    Any idea when it will be updated for WoD foods?

    Repeating my previous question – Warlords of Draenor has been out over 6 months now and still no update

  4. WoWEyE Says:

    Hi Gazmik, Ive used your addon for many years. Particularly this one and SwindlerPreventer until it went defunct (there are no others i can find to replace it). I really hope you have not stopped updating altogether. Could you please re-instate SwindlerPreventer to your collection?

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