Feed-O-Matic 5.1

  • Updated TOC to indicate compatibility with WoW Patch 5.1.
  • Includes updated PeriodicTable library — nearly all Pandaren foods are now supported.
  • Fixed errors that could occur when showing the Feed-O-Matic Options UI.

2 Responses to “Feed-O-Matic 5.1”

  1. Moldavia Says:

    Just so you know this toc is inaccurate. It is set to 50001 when its 50100 to be properly up to date for 5.1

  2. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    Oops! I really ought to automate TOC bumps so I don’t miss any when updating all my mods at once. Well, there’s a new release now that has the TOC right this time (and fixes a bug).

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