FactionFriend 2.0.6

  • Fixed an issue where multiple turnins for the same faction involving the same item wouldn’t always be calculated in the proper order.
  • Fixed error when watching The Sha’tar faction.
  • It’s now more easily possible for third-party addon authors to make use of FactionFriend’s ability to calculate potential reputation gain from turnins (which may be useful for other addons that show reputation bars). See “API NOTES” at the bottom of the readme.

One Response to “FactionFriend 2.0.6”

  1. Trog Says:

    The rep points for Thorium Brotherhood hand-ins are incorrect, they are listed as 300, when they should be 500.

    [Fiery Core] for 500 points. [Lava Core] for 500 points. [Blood of the Mountain] for 500 points.

    and Ten [Dark Iron] Ores for 75 Reputation Points. Two [Core Leather] for 350 points.

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