Disenchant Predictor 1700.3

  • EnhTooltip was becoming a pain to keep compatibility with, so now it’s gone. (If you’ve still got EnhTooltip installed and aren’t running any other mods that use it, such as Auctioneer or Enchantrix, feel free to delete it.) We now have our own (much simpler) built-in tooltip hooking code. (Mostly imported from GDI’s Reagent Info, with a bit of guidance from EnhTooltip itself). This resolves the issues we were having if you upgraded to EnhTooltip 1.0.6 (or the Auctioneer 3.1 beta that includes it).
  • Fixed an issue that prevented predictions for items from showing.
  • Clearer info returned from status command.

8 Responses to “Disenchant Predictor 1700.3”

  1. Dragon Says:

    so whare is the download link?

  2. Peter (valkarin - dunemaul) Says:

    Hey my little friend – these are just the greatest add-ons I have see.

    If I see you at an inn – I will have to buy to a fine wine in SW

  3. Drogfur Says:

    Perhaps it’s me but I do not see the download button for this version.

    I love your Mods. They are some of the most useful I have had the pleasure of installing and using!

  4. misty Says:

    i dont see it either 🙂

    nice addons 🙂

  5. Shad0w Says:


    That should do it. 😉

  6. Drid Says:

    Both adspace and disenchant predictor (latest ones – without enhtooltip) give lua errors in new tooltip code when mousing over a fish (fishing loot window). Same with another loot window (not sure if was mining or skinning – a friend reported this to me when I asked him about the fishing problem)

    Anyway take this with a bit of salt… I can only 100% verify the fishing problem.

    Your addons (great potential – why I keep coming back to try them) are among the most enabled/disabled in past few weeks: They seem to break alot with tooltip code…

    Admire the effort put into them of course 🙂 (just wish for a bit more stability over features)

  7. Norganna Says:

    Hello, Mr Fizzwidget.

    We were sorry to hear about your decision to move away from EnhTooltip.

    We at EnhTooltip Manufacturing Ltd belive that we produce the highest quality toolitip widgets anywhere on Azeroth, and were wondering if there was anything that we could have done better, or features that we could have added to EnhTooltip to make it more suitable for your needs.

    We are always looking for ways to improve our products and the fact that you have decided to move away from using our devices in your products indicates some kind of dissatisfaction with the service that we provide.

    If you would care to elaborate on the problems you encountered, please contact me any time at norganna@gmail.com, or visit our corporate messaging centre at http://norganna.org/bb. we also have live support at irc:irc.datavertex.com/norganna.

    Thankyou for your time,

    Norganna EnhTooltip QA Assurance – Team Leader

  8. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    EnhTooltip is great for what Auctioneer uses it for, but it’s becoming a bit overcomplicated for my needs. – I’d like to keep my additional lines in the main tooltip, as EnhTooltip’s separate tooltip makes a useful separation between Auctioneer and non-Auctioneer information for an item. With 1.0.6 it became apparently impossible to directly modify the tooltip via GameTooltip:AddLine() and use EnhTooltip only for its coordination of when and where to call your hook function, and TT_AddLine() seems to ignore the embed parameter if Auctioneer is already using the non-embeded tooltip. – More importantly, bundling a third-party mod as a dependency can lead to compatibility issues if other mod authors are also bundling it; a user could install EnhTooltip 1.0.4 on top of the 1.0.6 that I include because they grabbed Auctioneer from a site not listing the latest version, or because they found some other mod that bundles EnhTooltip but hasn’t been updated in awhile. Or they could install an incompatible newer version on top of mine. The fewer interactions with other mods I have to track down when responding to bug reports against mine, the better.

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