AdSpace 1800.1

  • Updated for WoW patch 1.8.
  • Includes partial Korean localization (covering vendor names and locations) by “zeroc00l”. (Other translators are welcome to edit localization.lua and AdSpace_Vendors.lua and email them to for inclusion in future releases.)
  • Fixed a bug that appeared when looking at items sold by Rin’wosho the Trader.
  • More locale independence: should correctly look up items from Horde/Alliance vendors if the terms “Horde” and “Alliance” are translated in your version of WoW.
  • General improvements to utility code shared with other Fizzwidget addons (GFWUtils, GFWTable, and GFWTooltip).

One Response to “AdSpace 1800.1”

  1. Vindicator Says:

    The info’s not being shown in the tooltip. Is anyone else having this same problem?

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