AdSpace 1700.3

  • EnhTooltip was becoming a pain to keep compatibility with, so now it’s gone. (If you’ve still got EnhTooltip installed and aren’t running any other mods that use it, such as Auctioneer or Enchantrix, feel free to delete it.) We now have our own (much simpler) built-in tooltip hooking code. (Mostly imported from GDI’s Reagent Info, with a bit of guidance from EnhTooltip itself). This resolves the issues we were having if you upgraded to EnhTooltip 1.0.6 (or the Auctioneer 3.1 beta that includes it).
  • If you’re looking at a recipe on a vendor, we won’t clutter the tooltip with messages indicating that recipe is available at that vendor.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the /ads info command from working.
  • Added more vendors for a few common recipes.
  • If you’re installing over a previous release, the AdSpace.xml file is no longer needed.

7 Responses to “AdSpace 1700.3”

  1. redarmorcamper Says:


    A great decision to remove dependecies!

  2. redarmorcamper Says:

    Sorry to mention it, but Ad-Space is producing errors if EnhTooltip and/or ItemsMatrix is running: Interface/AddOns/ItemsMatrix/ItemsMatrix.lua : 1686 : Invalid loot Slot In SetInventoryItems

    It occurs if you hover over an item in the Loot-Window (except cash). I’ve tracked it down to Ad-Space, deactivated it temporarely, and all was running fine again.

    btw: I’m running EnhTooltip 1.0.6 and ItemsMatrix 1.6

  3. Brad Says:

    In GFWTooltip.lua the function:

    function GFWTooltipGameTooltipSetLootItem(slot) GFWTooltipOriginalGameTooltipSetLootItem(slot);

    local link = GetContainerItemLink(slot);
    local name = GFWTooltip_NameFromLink(link);
    GFWTooltip_AddTooltipInfo(GameTooltip, name, link);


    needs to be fixed. The first two lines should have an additional parameter but I can’t figure out what the next line should be. GetContainerItemLink needs two parameters, index, slot.

    function GFWTooltipGameTooltipSetLootItem(this, slot) GFWTooltipOriginalGameTooltipSetLootItem(this, slot);

    local link = GetContainerItemLink(slot);
    local name = GFWTooltip_NameFromLink(link);
    GFWTooltip_AddTooltipInfo(GameTooltip, name, link);


  4. Ayellin Says:

    Here’s fixed function (lines 298-304 in GFWTooltip.lua):

    function GFWTooltipGameTooltipSetLootItem(this, slot) GFWTooltipOriginalGameTooltipSetLootItem(this, slot);

    local link = GetLootSlotLink(slot);
    local name = GFWTooltip_NameFromLink(link);
    GFWTooltip_AddTooltipInfo(GameTooltip, name, link);


    Also, local GFWTooltipOriginalGameTooltipSetLootItem; is declared twice (lines 20 and 27).

  5. Mikma Says:

    Putting an item to Auctions in AH without setting priced or putting it on sale, and mouseovering it after that will produce this error:

    Interface\AddOns\GFWAdSpace\GFWTooltip.lua:376: attempt to call global ‘OrigGameTooltip_SetAuctionSellItem’ (a nil value)

  6. Rhadgar Says:

    Love your AddOns!

    However, I’m getting a similar error coming from LootLink which I use with Auctioneer and the original EnhTooltip along with your new GFWTooltip besides Ad-Space and ShoppingList. It comes up when hovering over the loot in the loot window just before clicking on it.

    Error: Interface\AddOns\LootLink\LootLink.lua:2642: Invalid loot slot in SetInventoryItem

    I’ll have to try disabling Ad-Space to see if it stops for me too. I find Ad-Space very useful and would hate to get rid of it.


  7. Chocky Says:

    I am getting the same error as Mikma

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