AdSpace 1600.3

  • Added or corrected info on several recipes.

6 Responses to “AdSpace 1600.3”

  1. CarLBanks Says:

    It’s missing the EnhTooltip Dependancy in this download.

  2. Someone Says:

    EnhTooltip sucks, it requires Auctioneer to function properly.

  3. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    Whoops… the downlaod has been replaced with one containing EnhTooltip again.

  4. Diesa Says:

    Great add-on, thanks.

    Although the desired info does not show up when I mouse-over in AH… Neither does the desired info show up when I click the links in chat. However, it does show up when I mouse-over items in my own inventory.

    I don’t know whether this is repreducable by other players, but it would be a shame to have one of the greatest powers of this add-on not utilized.

    Thanks, Diesa (EU, Dragonmaw)

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Yeh great addon, except having enhtooltip as a dependancy is poor. Enhtooltip will give an error if you mouse over the link in AH and don’t have the latest Auctioneer installed (may be caused from having the older version of Auctioneer installed).

  6. Meraxie Says:

    Yes.. Enchtooltip requires Auctioneer still it seems…

    Specifcally line 745 reads: local bag, slot = Auctioneer_FindItemInBags(name);

    Well if you don’t have auctioneer that gives a nice error every time you mouse over something in the AH “Put up for Auction” window.

    So… to fix this simply put this code: local function breakLink(link) local i,j, itemID, enchant, randomProp, uniqID, name = string.find(link, “|Hitem:(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)|h[[]]|h”); return tonumber(itemID or 0), tonumber(randomProp or 0), tonumber(enchant or 0), tonumber(uniqID or 0), name; end

    function Auctioneer_FindItemInBags(findName) for bag = 0, 4, 1 do size = GetContainerNumSlots(bag); if (size) then for slot = size, 1, -1 do local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); if (link) then local itemID, randomProp, enchant, uniqID, itemName = breakLink(link); if (itemName == findName) then return bag, slot, itemID, randomProp, enchant, uniqID; end end end end end end

    Into your tooltip.lua file in the enhtooltip folder

    HOWEVER.. while this gets rid of the error… you do NOT see the info when you mouse over the item in the AH… however I do see the information when I mouse over it in my inventory, or via LootLink.

    Not sure if some other AH addon is preventing it or not.. haven’t tested that far yet.. but at least I don’t get a pesky error message

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