Feed-O-Matic 1700.3

  • Previously, the add, remove, and feed commands only allowed item links (but this wasn’t clearly documented, or intended). Now you can also type the name of an item. (If using item links, though, you can shift-click multiple foods to add, remove, or feed several at once.)
  • WoW 1.7 changed the way pets gain happiness when fed, invalidating the way Feed-O-Matic tries to figure out which foods your pet likes more. Rewrote the way we look for and rank food to account for this, fixing several cases of Feed-O-Matic mistakenly claiming it couldn’t find any food (including some unrelated to pet happiness).
  • Added an option to control whether to fall back to foods we’d normally rather avoid if no other foods are available. This is on by default so that your pet doesn’t run off on you while you’re not paying attention.
  • Avoiding various types of “useful” food (the saveforcook, savebonus, and savequest options) is now turned on by default. (The default setting for saveforcook is now “green”).
  • Fixed some cases of automatic feeding tossing the pet several foods at once. (Not that most pets would mind, but their owners might.)
  • Added several more foods to the default list (and corrected some foods that were listed under the wrong diets).
  • Feed-O-Matic can now detect when the pet is manually fed and use the resulting data in its food quality table.
  • Supports wowguru.com’s UI updater utility (and potentially others).

15 Responses to “Feed-O-Matic 1700.3”

  1. Vindicator Says:

    Feed-O-Matic 1700.3 is missing the download link. 🙁

  2. Elmanthira Says:

    Would it be possible to have FOM check for shadowmeld, and then not feed my pet if I’m stealthed? One of the advantages of having a cat is that I can have us bothed stealthed and go AFK for a period of time. Feeding the pet causes stealth to be broken, though.

  3. Vapok Says:


    I installed the 3 revision of FOM, and immediately started receiving an error message on line 118 in the GFWTable.lua. The block of code looks like this:

    — IndexOf: returns the index (1-based) of an item in a table if (GFWTable.IndexOf == nil) then GFWTable.IndexOf = function(aTable, item) for i=1, table.getn(aTable) do if (item == aTable[i]) then return i; end end return 0; end;


    It was giving me an error about the aTable being nil. I added this:

    — IndexOf: returns the index (1-based) of an item in a table if (GFWTable.IndexOf == nil) then GFWTable.IndexOf = function(aTable, item) if (aTable == nil) then return 0; else for i=1, table.getn(aTable) do if (item == aTable[i]) then return i; end end return 0; end; end; end

    This seems to have fixed the error. Can you verify that this is a safe change? My pet now feeds fine. No error.

  4. Kyzoku Says:

    Download link is: http://www.fizzwidget.com/downloads/gfw-feedomatic-1700-3.zip

  5. Tony Says:

    Same issue for me as before. If I let FOM autofeed, it will begin feeding the pet and after about 3 ticks, will feed it again.

    Works perfect if I feed manually though through the keymap.

    Thank you for the great mods!

  6. Ryan Bradley Says:

    I am getting the following when I try to feed my pet:

    Interface\AddOns\GFW_FeedOMatic\FeedOMatic.lua:1145: attempt to compare nil with number

    It’s also not even trying on it’s own. this comes up when I manaully enter /fom feed

  7. Polynices Says:

    Love the mods, especially the hunters ones, and Feed-O-Matic is great… except that I encountered a bug with the latest version. I was swimming with my pet flapping along behind me when it got hungry — and Feed-O-Matic gave it 3 food items right in a row, not allowing it to gain any happiness from any of them. I’m not sure why the food didn’t take, I was swimming, but I wasn’t in combat and I don’t think the pet had any status effects on it. Nonetheless, it was annoying to lose 3 pieces of food when I was already rather low on supplies (that being my own damn fault).

  8. Moklar Says:

    I get tons of errors as well, I haven’t written them down but the one I get every time is when I talk to the stable master

    This is with the latest updates of all your addins (also disenchant predicter seems to not work at all anymore on the tooltip).

  9. Moklar Says:

    Here’s the message I get when I talk to a stable master

    Interface\Addons\GFW_FeedOMatic\FeedOMatic.lua:327: Usage:GetStablePetInfo(index)

  10. Brad Says:

    I get the error:

    FeedOMatic.lua:327 Usage GetStablePetInfo(index)

    Looking at the code I think the line should read:

    … GetStablePetInfo(petIndex) …



  11. Moklar Says:

    I applied the two suggested fixes and have had no problems so far, the one mentioned by Brad did the trick with the stable master.

    Before I did get an error when I should have gotten a message about I had no proper food for my pet, I suppose the first fix takes care of that.

  12. Moklar Says:

    Hmmm it’s still not working when the right food isn’t in the inventory, removed the addin for now.

    (sorry for all the messages)

  13. Curundir Says:

    Hi Gazmik, just a thumbs up for this fabulous gadget. I love it – even though I currently refrain from using it because of the various problems. Well, I guess the reason it doesn’t work right now, is because engineering just HAS to go wrong from time to time, as every gnome knows 🙂

    Anyways, I hope you work on this untill it’s brilliant and shiny all over. I believe this is potentially the most useful hunter AddOn, and I’m sure that I’m not alone in this – au contraire. Great work, appreciated by many.

    /applaud Curundir

  14. Spryte Says:

    First off GREAT Addon!! Really Appreciate your work! Fom worked fine for me until I upgraded to version 1700-3, now wenever I open Cooking I get a Message. “Interface\Addons\GFW_Feedomatic.lua:293Table index is Nil. Thank you in advance for any help. Spryte

  15. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    Note that version 1700.4 is now available (and at this rate, 1700.5 soon will be), which should fix the line 293 error.

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