AdSpace 10900.4

Includes an update to tooltip-related code shared with other Fizzwidget addons, which should resolve an issue where having two or more addons with conflicting versions of said code could cause a “stack overflow” error.

14 Responses to “AdSpace 10900.4”

  1. Jaiana Says:

    I really really really really love Adspace. I also really really really really love my OneBag, which is a mod that puts all bags into one frame so it doesn’t take up half the screen. I was wondering if, pretty please, with cherries on top, you could possibly think of what might be causing them not to work together anymore? I can still see the adspace tips when I’m looking in the auction house, or looking in the mail, but not in my bags, or in LinkWrangler (open more thank one link at a time), which is another mod that I wish it would work with.

  2. Khayne Says:

    I have the same problem with One Bag. I also tried All in one Inventory and it has the same problem as well. everything works fine with the default bags though.

  3. NewRaven Says:

    Hm… this version cut off the tooltips of the latest auctionner-alpha (708) on all places except the players own inventory and bags on the bank. On the bank itself (not the bags on the bank), all vendors and so on there is no auctioneer tooltip shown with this version.

  4. NewRaven Says:

    Switching back to AdSpace 10900.3 fixed this problem for me

  5. Thodd Says:

    Having the same problem. Adspace is not working on any items in my bank.

  6. EnSabahNur Says:

    have the same problem with Auctioneer Alpha. I LOVE FIZZ. Great Job

  7. HanJand Says:

    I have a problem with Gemologist, AdSpace and Feed-O-Matic and Auctioneer, when I have any of the 3 AddOn’s loaded, I have problem with seeing Auctioneer info on a item. Example is I can’t see the vendor sellings price, when i mouse over an item in the quest log. I don’t have the same problems with Hunter’s Helper or ReagentCost.

    I use auctioneerpack-, but I also have the problem with older versions, and version 744 has been upgraded to beta.

  8. Engwaalcar Says:

    Just wondering when AdSpace is going to be brought up to date with patch 1.10. Thanks!

  9. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    I’m working on some bugs with the tooltip additions not showing in some cases, and also polishing some newly added features — the 1.10 release should be soon!

  10. Daeanor Says:

    This version breaks other tooltip AddOns (Auctionerr, Enchantrix) in the tradeskill and AH windows (bags are OK). Reverting to 10900.3 brings those tooltips back.

  11. Dan Czyz Says:

    Thanks for the updates and the Auctioneer compatiblity work that you do. Looking forward to the next version!

  12. Nnyan Says:

    Any updates on AdSpace? I love this mod its the last one I need to get running on 1.10.

  13. Heftig Says:

    Does it work with 1.10? If not please update…

  14. Drakkon Says:

    When is this one getting the 11000.1 treatment?

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