Gemologist 10900.2

Includes an update to tooltip-related code shared with other Fizzwidget addons, which should resolve an issue where having two or more addons with conflicting versions of said code could cause a “stack overflow” error.

2 Responses to “Gemologist 10900.2”

  1. HanJand Says:

    I have a problem with Gemologist, AdSpace and Feed-O-Matic and Auctioneer, when I have any of the 3 AddOn’s loaded, I have problem with seeing Auctioneer info on a item. Example is I can’t see the vendor sellings price, when i mouse over an item in the quest log. I don’t have the same problems with Hunter’s Helper or ReagentCost.

    I use auctioneerpack-, but I also have the problem with older versions, and version 744 has been upgraded to beta.

  2. araiguma Says:

    Gemologist information is not showing up in tooltips at all. It does show info in the chat window with /gems info [Item link]. What could be wrong and how do I troubleshoot it?

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