Feed-O-Matic 2.1

  • Updated TOC for WoW Patch 2.1.
  • Added family-specific “hungry” sounds for the new pet species introduced in the Burning Crusade.

7 Responses to “Feed-O-Matic 2.1”

  1. Akumaryuu Says:

    if you have or jsut love the Hunter class this add-on is a godsend like the Sell-O-Matic for dealing with the hunters best friend, I know several times if it was possible I would have loved to shove my size 13 up my pet’s back end for wanting food to keep it happy……Gazmik thanx for looking out for the hunters

  2. Dj Says:

    Thanks for the update. You should link to your site on WorldofWar.net because I almost missed this update. Keep up the great work though.

  3. Caliban Says:

    Thanks for finding the time for updates while moving. Much appreciated! On a side note, it is possible to check if a pet is already eating, and suppress the hungry sound if it is? Keep it up Gazmik!

  4. Phizzle Says:

    Feed-O-Matic- the setting to “use lower food first” checkbox is oposite. When checked it uses the highest food, and reports it as using the highest in /fom status. Unchecking it reports using the lowest food in the /fom status and indeed uses the lowest level food.

  5. Goldbart Says:

    Maybe you add support for ACE2-AddonLoader in .toc for delayed or class-specific loading off your addons.

    i added the following lines to feed-o-matic:

    ## LoadManagers: AddonLoader ## X-LoadOn-Class: Hunter

  6. Odwenn Says:

    It has to be me. I am using 2.1 Feed-O-Matic. I’ve tried:

    /fom level happy /fom level|happy

    and yet my pet becomes very unhappy and i don’t see anything or get him feed. What am I doing wrong.



  7. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:


    My apologies — I forgot to take one of the lines about automatic feeding out of the main FOM page way back when WoW Patch 1.10 made it impossible for addons to provide such a feature (it’s fixed now). Nowadays FOM only automates the process of food selection and provides reminders for when to feed your pet… you’ll need to bind a key in FOM’s options panel and press it whenever your pet’s hungry.


    Good idea! It’ll be in the next release.

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