FactionFriend 2.3

Updated TOC to indicate compatibility with WoW Patch 2.3.

4 Responses to “FactionFriend 2.3”

  1. Pat Says:

    Does this or can this work with FuBar_FuXPFu? Meaning the turn-in markers and summary tooltips?

  2. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    Authors of third-party reputation bar replacements are invited to check out the API section of FactionFriend’s readme.txt file to see how its features can be added to their addons.

  3. Jay Says:

    I was hunting Desert Rumblers in Silithus when I noticed my reputation bar keeps showing Cenarion Circle. Killing these elementals improves reputation with Hydraxian Waterlords (+1 per kill at my level). The FactionFriend option “When gaining reputation with any faction” is activated. Is this a bug? Thank you for this very useful addon.

  4. PJ Says:

    Yeah, it doesn’t work in battlegrounds either when you get faction. It’s a sort of fickle faction friend.

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