FactionFriend 2.0.1

  • We now use new APIs from WoW 2.0 to track faction turnin items in your inventory and bank — this should fix cases where we’d mis-report the quantity you have of an item when opening and closing the bank.
  • WoW Patch 2.0.1 increased the reputation gain from some item turnins; FactionFriend’s estimation of them has been updated to match. (If you see any other cases where you’re gaining more reputation from a repeatable turnin than FactionFriend estimates, please let us know!)
  • Added another turnin for The Consortium faction (in the Burning Crusade beta): Zaxxis Insignia x 10 for 250 reputation.
  • Added a German localization (complete for pre-expansion content) by Alirion of Dun Morogh (EU).

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