Disenchant Predictor 3.0.1

Fixed an issue that could cause disconnects when mousing over items.

7 Responses to “Disenchant Predictor 3.0.1”

  1. slave Says:

    Thank for this addon!

  2. mynfel Says:

    It would be helpful to actually have a link to download this. 😉

  3. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    WordPress FTL. Fixed.

  4. Tester Says:

    despite update 3.0.1 i get disconnets when i use disenchant predictor and mouse over items

  5. george Says:

    will this work on the latest patch?

  6. Peckumups Says:

    I have the same problem as tester

  7. Peckumups Says:

    Opps,,,my bad,,,,,follow normal directions,,,,,,delete old folder then add new addon,,,,,,,I’m a noob!

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