AdSpace 1700.4

  • Fixed some errors in our new tooltip hooking functions that appeared when looting or selling items at the AH.
  • Refined a feature introduced in the last version — only tooltips for recipes seen in a vendor window will omit the (obvious) vendor avialability info; tooltips for the same item will still show such info if seen in a different place (e.g. clicked an item link in chat) while the vendor window is open.

3 Responses to “AdSpace 1700.4”

  1. Pentarion Says:


    splendid tool that ADSpace. I just tested it and do not know how I survived without it. But unfortunately it produces a red Alert Box everytime I loot one of my opponents. And strange enough the error is cast from EnhTooltip. It reads: “Error in xxx\Addons\EnhTooltip\Tooltip.lua line 666 Invalid loot slot in SetInventoryItem”. I have EnhToolTip Ver. 1.18 2005/09/19 installed for Auctioneer and Enchantrix. The procedure that is called in line 666 is the procedure “TTGameTooltipSetLootItem” that is called by GameTooltip.SetLootItem=TTGameTooltipSetLootItem. I hope that somehow helps to debug the Problem. If you need any more information or have a beta version that needs testing, don’t hesitate to contact me directely.

    Kind Regards,

    Archmage Pentarion

  2. Repabil Says:

    Looted a brilliant scale and got “GFWTooltip.lua:288: Invalid loot slot in SetInventoryItem”

  3. mimregi Says:

    Great mod =) I really love the idea! I am getting the following error on EVERY loot window:

    “interface\addons\GFWAdSpace\GFWTooltip.lua:288:Invalid loot slot in SetNventoryItem”

    I am a novice but did make some attempt to debug… I cannot find a single file in my wow directory containing the expression “setnventory” and line 288 in the .lua seems fine. I can’t seem to find any references or anything =/


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