AutoCraft 1600.2

  • Buttons should now appear in the correct (usable) places if you’re using EnhancedTradeSkill or other addons that modify the geometry of TradeSkillFrame.
  • Beginnings of locale compatibility; should now work with the German WoW client (not yet actually translated, though). Savvy users of other languages feel free to look at localization.lua; please contact me with your translations and I’ll include them in the next release.

5 Responses to “AutoCraft 1600.2”

  1. Gkaruk Says:

    Trying it for first time – let you know what think.

  2. Gkaruk Says:

    Where is the download link, it not on the Addons page?

  3. Polynices Says:

    Trivial suggestion, but I was thinking maybe if the .zip files all started with Gazmik or Gaz or something then they’d all appear together in a folder and it would be slightly easier to tell at a glance if I have all the current versions. Plus it’s a tiny bit more advertising for the mods and site.

    Awesome mods in any case, and I am not just saying that because I am a guildie.

  4. Gazmik Fizzwidget Says:

    Whoops, made a typo in my web publishing system. You should be able to download AutoCraft from this site now.

    Good suggestion, Poly. I’ll look into it for future versions.

  5. Jonathan Roy Says:

    Awesome mod. Absolutely awesome. But, try doing a /hh find search while riding a transport between cities. You should get an error to the effect of bad argument #2 on line 232, string expected got nil.

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