Hunter’s Helper 11100.1

  • Updated for compatibility with WoW patch 1.11.
  • Changed names of global variables used for localization to be less likely to conflict with other third-party AddOns or future WoW patches.
  • Added several previously unknown beasts to the database (Deadly Cleft Scorpid, Old Grizzlegut, Ripscale, Vile Sting) and corrected listings for a few existing ones (Ashmane Boar, Ironback).

One Response to “Hunter’s Helper 11100.1”

  1. Cut-Throat Alley » Mods that need updating for 1.11 Says:

    […] that it is not compatible with recent versions of KC_Items and AuctionMatrix/AuctionSync. Hunter’s Helper has been updated. Guildentipper – old version works, or dow […]

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