Feed-O-Matic 10900.1

  • Updated for WoW patch 1.9.
  • Now localizable, with partial French and German translations now included. Many thanks to Graçi of Hyjal (EU), Jan-Paul, and other contributors to the comments thread of fizzwidget.com for helping get this up and running!
  • Mostly locale-independent; now uses item link IDs to identify food instead of names. Unfortunately, Feed-O-Matic still requires one bit of locale-dependent information to work in ach language: the names of the six animal diets. Without translations for these, Feed-O-Matic can’t look up foods in its list, which makes it pretty well broken. If you’re not using WoW in English, French, or German, here’s how you can help make it work for your language:
    • Tame a few pets of different creature families. (Minimally, a Bear or Boar will do — they eat anything — but taming pets of the other fifteen families will help me get more family names into the database.)
    • Use Feed-O-Matic to feed each one at least once. (Or at least type /fom once after taming each pet.)
    • Log out of WoW, and open your World of Warcraft -> WTF -> SavedVariables -> GFW_FeedOMatic.lua file in a text editor.
    • Copy the section that looks like FOM_LocaleInfo = { ... } and email it to gazmik@fizzwidget.com.
  • The slash commands for adding, removing, and feeding specific foods now require an item link or the name of an item that exists in your inventory — passing in just any old name won’t work because we now index foods based on item ID.
  • Includes refinements to code shared with other GFW mods.
  • Knows its own version number — it’s present in startup and error messages and if you type /fom help or /fom version. Please include this version number when sending bug reports or help requests!

11 Responses to “Feed-O-Matic 10900.1”

  1. Devla Says:

    Getting the following error when enabling FOM, even tried a reset and enable and still receive the error upon enable:

    GFW_FeedOMatic\FeedOMatic.lua:1086: Usage: GetBattlefieldStatus(index)

  2. Devla Says:

    I commented out lines 1086-1089 with the following which bypasses the error:

    –[[ if ( (GetBattlefieldStatus()) == “active” ) then — don’t auto-feed while in a battleground; the frequent spirit rez gives mucho happiness (slightly delayed) return; end]]

  3. Nazagthrall Says:

    I too am getting the same error that Devla spoke of. However, I have no idea how to put in the bypass lol.

    Thank you for being the 1st coder to have updates though. Fixing this one will make my day 🙂

  4. Jonathan Roy Says:

    Apparently you can check the status of each queue with this command now. As such, if you go to line 1086 and add:


    before the “if ( (GetBattlefieldStatus()) == “activeâ€? ) then” line, and then go down 4 lines and add an:


    That should not just stop the error… but also keep the addon working right (no feeding if you are active inside any BG).

  5. Ritter Says:

    not working for me, getting a repeated frequent error using:

    for i=1, MAXBATTLEFIELDQUEUES do if ( (GetBattlefieldStatus()) == “active” ) then — don’t auto-feed while in a battleground; the frequent spirit rez gives mucho happiness (slightly delayed) return; end end

  6. Tierney Says:

    Someone either want to release a new fix for this or tell us how to do it ourselves if possible.

    Muchly apprecaited, T.

  7. Jonathan Roy Says:

    Got another error. When I open my cooking window I get:

    Feedomatic.lua: 1550: bad argument #1 to find (string expected, got nil)

  8. Gartanon Says:

    im a tad confused by your fix there the org code 1081 > 1091 is — Check if AFK if ( FOM_State.IsAFK ) then return; end

    if ( (GetBattlefieldStatus()) == "active" ) then
        -- don't auto-feed while in a battleground; the frequent spirit rez gives mucho happiness (slightly delayed)
    -- Check if in Combat

    your saying put in : — Check if AFK if ( FOM_State.IsAFK ) then return; end

    for i=1, MAXBATTLEFIELDQUEUES do    
    if ( (GetBattlefieldStatus()) == "active" ) then
        -- don't auto-feed while in a battleground; the frequent spirit rez gives mucho happiness (slightly delayed)
    -- Check if in Combat

    why 2 ends? the cycle still will end with the first

  9. Kiall Says:

    What are you guys using the edit the file to fix the problem?

  10. Dalinor Says:

    Feed-o-Matic is working great for me now. The only issue I can see is that it does not recognize fish as a food for turtles.


  11. Wiseblood Says:

    Im getting this, as well….

    Feedomatic.lua: 1550: bad argument #1 to find (string expected, got nil)

    any help?

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